Recent Meeting of the Islamic Emirate (IEA)’s Security Officials and a Valuable Lesson


Salim Omar

The recent statements by the security officials of the Islamic Emirate government at a meeting in Kabul highlighted the relentless and continuous efforts of the security agencies to combat security disruptors.

This meeting, held to appreciate the efforts of the security agencies, provided comprehensive and complete statements from the officials, which brought hope to the nation.

Among these, the remarks of Mullah Abdul Haq Wasiq, the General Director of Intelligence of the Islamic Emirate, emphasized the eradication of nests of evil and corruption within Afghanistan’s geography.

He stated that intelligence is a fundamental pillar within the framework of the Islamic system, adding that the intelligence of the Islamic Emirate is based on Sharia and all its articles and clauses are derived from Hanafi jurisprudence, collected by esteemed scholars and experts in this field.

He mentioned that the purpose of establishing intelligence is to protect the assets of Muslims, eradicate injustice, and implement equality among them.

What was said by the officials of the Islamic Emirate in the meeting on Thursday demonstrated the level of tireless and boundless efforts of the forces of the Islamic Emirate.

In the last three years, after the Islamic Emirate took control of Afghanistan, many agents of Western and Eastern intelligence agencies attempted to create insecurity and instability; however, the bravery and perseverance of the youth of this nation dried up the roots of the followers of falsehood, making them so disgraced and bewildered that they had to seek refuge in neighboring countries.

Among them, ISIS and insurgents, who were two streams from the same source, also tried to destabilize the geography of dear Afghanistan, but the grandeur of the faith of the brave sons of this land and the unparalleled lions of the Islamic Ummah eradicated their claims of existence.

The security agencies of the Islamic Emirate have truly depicted the image of Islamic governance and the protection of territorial integrity, and their unparalleled courage has left the so-called security experts of other countries astonished and in awe of this great blessing upon the Afghan nation.

Abu Ahmad
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