“Rebellion Front: The New Propaganda Tool of Daesh-Khawārij”


“Rebellion Front: The New Propaganda Tool of Daesh-Khawārij”

Author: Abu Osama al-Khorasani

The Daesh/ISIS Khareji group can be regarded as the final resort of America, intended to be used against the Islamic Emirate’s ongoing conquests, developments, and achievements.

When the oppressive American regime realized it could no longer confront the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan using the Republic’s mercenaries, and the incompetence of the Kabul administration became increasingly apparent, it sought an alternative solution and devised a new plot.

Thus, they created IS-K, and every avenue for the growth of this malignant entity was facilitated. The goal was to use this new force to challenge the dedicated Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) and preserve the crumbling Republic and its illegitimate achievements.

However, praise be to Allah, just as the Republic’s soldiers surrendered to the Mujahideen, the misled followers of the Kharijite ideology lacked the strength to resist the true sons of Islam and were eradicated faster than expected.

After Afghanistan’s conquest, despite the complete defeat of IS-K, with not even an inch of Afghan soil under its control, the global powers of disbelief, led by criminal America, continue to promote this illegitimate entity. At every meeting and event, they warn the world about the so-called threat posed by this group.

In reality, Daesh-Khorasan is much weaker than its counterparts elsewhere. In fact, the group’s activities in non-Muslim countries are more prominent than within Afghanistan.

Since the establishment of the Islamic system in Afghanistan, both the IS-K and the remnants of the Republic have occasionally attempted destructive acts, but these efforts have led only to their own downfall.

Recently, news surfaced about an alliance between these two groups—an alliance that few expected, given their ideological differences and superficial slogans. However, their shared allegiance to their foreign masters has led the misguided followers of both groups to unite against the Islamic system, despite their differences.

Although this alliance has failed to advance the global agenda of weakening the Islamic system, they still attempt, though unsuccessfully, to serve each other’s interests.

In a recent development, the Rebellion Front, following America’s lead, has taken up the propaganda campaign for its ally, Daesh. By issuing a statement designed to instill fear and panic among the Afghan people and exaggerate the importance of this defeated group, they claimed that upcoming attacks would target diplomatic missions and regional embassies.

This claim is nothing but empty propaganda. It can be stated with full certainty that the security of all diplomatic sites is stronger than ever, and no corrupt individual will be given the opportunity to carry out destructive acts.

Abu Ahmad
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