More than half of the individuals arrested as members of the ISIS group in the Western regions are young teenagers


A recent academic study reveals that over 65% of those apprehended under suspicion of involvement in ISIS-related attacks in the Western territories are teenagers.

This study, conducted by a researcher based in the West, has been disseminated through a report by CNN television.

The researcher informed CNN that since 2022, approximately 58 individuals have been apprehended in Europe on suspicion of ties to ISIS, with 38 of them aged between 13 and 19. The majority of those arrested hail from Central Asia.

ISIS tends to attract young individuals who possess a limited understanding of religious principles and are easily swayed by misleading rhetoric.

The residents of Central Asia are susceptible to being influenced by ISIS due to their long exposure to an authoritarian secular regime and lack of understanding about Islam.

It is worth noting that authorities in Western countries are increasingly wary of individuals from Central Asia, particularly Tajikistan.

Abu Ahmad
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