“Mocking the Concepts of Emigration and Qital”


All Kharijites are a malignancy for the Ummah, driving Muslims toward the depths of destruction.

They, who bring every reason to justify themselves, prove their takfir with the same reason, just as the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) foretold fourteen centuries ago and stated about the Khawarijs:
“They recite the Quran, thinking that it is for them (i.e. supporting their claims) while it is against them. (Muslim)”

During the most recent Eid al-Fitr, the Khorasani Khawarijs issued a call to Muslims worldwide to migrate, engage in combat, and seek asylum with the Khawarijs.

Emigration (hijrah) and Qital (combat) are revered principles in the sacred teachings of Islam. Yet, upon closer inspection of the Kharijites’ current interpretation of these terms, it becomes evident that they have ridiculed the notions of emigration and combat.

Emigration (hijrah) entails the movement from Dar al-Kufr to Dar al-Islam.

The Kharijites regard the entire world as Dar al-Kufr; only recognizing Dar al-Islam where they exercise influence and control. Those advocating for migration to Dar al-Islam ought to possess a territory that satisfies the conditions of Dar al-Islam.

Over which region of Khorasan do they hold jurisdiction?

Where do they have accommodations other than their sleeping and dining quarters?

Is Dar al-Islam limited to just their bedroom and a three or four-room house in Khorasan?

If the Kharijites’ bedroom is not considered Dar al-Islam, and yet they still urge people to migrate, isn’t this a mockery of the noble concept of migration?

They are encouraging individuals to participate in Qital in Khorasan (mainly focused on Afghanistan); meanwhile, discussions among preachers themselves regarding the legitimacy of killing and declaring one another as infidels have escalated.

Who are they fighting in Khorasan, based on whose fatwa and orders?
They are in conflict with the individuals in Afghanistan who have instructed them on the concepts of migration, jihad, and Qital.

They are granted authorization to engage in corrupt practices under the guise of jihad and combat in Afghanistan by an individual who resided under the protection of Pakistani despots nearly seven years ago without even mentioning the concept of jihad. Upon examining his present status, it is evident that seven years ago he himself was an unbeliever.

The fatwa permitting corruption was issued by an individual who formerly served Taghut himself a few years ago.

Furthermore, the enforcers of this corrupt fatwa are individuals lacking in proper understanding and prone to sentimentality, with limited exposure to Islam, and a history marked by immorality and irreligion.

Only individuals akin to them would be misled by the nonsensical and absurd messages of the Khawarijs, and the destiny of those misled will mirror that of preceding Kharijites.

May Allah shield the entirety of the Muslim community from such predicaments.

Abu Ahmad
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