Laughable Message of the Khawarijs


“Injustice Persists in Gaza, but They Call Upon the People to Come to Khorasan for Jihad”

The Khorasani Khawarijs, continuing their absurd and meaningless announcements and broadcasts, recently urged the populace to “migrate” to Khorasan for the purpose of engaging in “Jihad” in response to the ongoing oppression of Muslims by the Zionists in Gaza.

This message was disseminated by ISKP-affiliated Al-Azaim media. Instead of urging their followers to engage in jihad against the Zionists in Palestine, they encouraged individuals to “emigrate” to Khorasan/Afghanistan rather than Gaza.

Prior to this, during Eid, the ISIS Khawarijs similarly broadcasted a message urging people to migrate to Khorasan for “emigration and Qital”.

In addition to the absurd request for individuals to travel to Khorasan rather than Gaza for conflict, it is important to note that ISIS will not offer support to the inhabitants of Gaza. According to ISIS doctrine, any factions opposing Israel in Palestine and their sympathizers are deemed apostates, and their eradication takes precedence over that of non-believers.

It is worth noting that the Khawarijs are inviting individuals to relocate to Khorasan under the guise of “emigration”, despite lacking control over any territory. Furthermore, they view all foreign arrivals as potential spies, often detaining them as prisoners.

Abu Ahmad
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