“Khawārij (ISIS) Throughout History” | Episode 13


Part 13

Written by: Bahanad

As the Battle of Nahrawan concluded, Ali (RA) proclaimed:

“Find out whether an individual with a withered hand (Makhdaj/Dhu al-Thadiyya, one whose hand lacks bone and consists entirely of flesh) is among the dead.

If this particular individual is not among them, then we have unjustly killed the best of people. On the other hand, if he is found, then we have indeed slain the vilest among the people.This is what the Prophet had prophesied.”

The people conducted their respective searches twice, yet failed to find the prophesied person.

Subsequently, Ali (RA) was gripped by an unprecedented sense of worry and sorrow never before seen in him.

He inquired of the people:

“What is the name of this place?”

In response, the people stated: “Nahrawan!”

Ali (RA) then instructed them:

“Rise and search once more, for indeed the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) spoke the truth.”

Upon a thorough and meticulous search this time, the individual bearing the aforementioned signs (Makhdaj) was indeed found among the fallen Khawarij. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and his companions then performed the prostration of thankfulness (Sajda-e-Shukr).

A man from Ali’s (RA) army then expressed:

“Praise be to the One who eradicated these individuals.”

Ali (RA) responded to him, saying:

“The reality is different from what you perceive. They persist to exist within the loins of their fathers and the wombs of their mothers..”

-To be continued…

Abu Ahmad
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