“Khawārij (ISIS) Throughout History” | Episode 10


Written by: Bahanad

Upon the secession of twelve thousand Khawarij from the ranks of Hazrat Ali (RA), they decided to make Harura, a city near Kufa, their place of abode, thus earning them the name Haruriyya.

Subsequently, Hazrat Ali (RA) dispatched Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) to steer them back onto the straight path and clear any misconceptions they may have had.

Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) effectively responded to their questions and uncertainties with convincing arguments. Consequently, four thousand individuals under the leadership of Ibn al-Kawa abandoned their rebellion and pledged allegiance to Ali (RA).

However, as the Khawarij were notorious for their breach of oaths, many rebelled again. Subsequently, their entire faction, numbering in the thousands, regrouped at Nahrawan, readying themselves for a fierce battle.

Their notable leaders, included Zara’a ibn al-Barj al-Tani, Harqus ibn Zuhayr al-Sa’di, Hamza ibn al-Sanan, Sharih ibn Awfa al-‘Absi, and Abdullah ibn Wahab al-Rasibi, and they were responsible for delivering eloquent and persuasive speeches to fortify the army’s resolve and dissuade any thoughts of capitulation.

Furthermore, these leaders of theirs were tasked with addressing any doubts people had concerning Hazrat Ali (RA).

Hazrat Ali (RA) held numerous parleys with their leadership, trying his best to dissuade them from their errant ways.

He then said to them:

“I will neither bar you from the mosques nor from the spoils of war and would not initiate any attack unless you provoked.”

Abu Ahmad
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