ISIS: Responsible for the continuation of the occupation in Afghanistan


Bahir Afghan

As Afghanistan boasts a strategic geographical location, various superpowers have sought to seize control of this valuable territory in order to sustain their power and subdue their adversaries.
Consequently, Afghanistan has faced multiple invasions by hostile forces throughout history, with relentless attempts made to conquer the land.

As it is evident, this land has been invaded three times in the last century and has witnessed destruction, massacres, and hundreds of other miseries.

However, each time, it has repelled the enemy’s attacks and regained its independence. Yet, the vile and despicable enemy, after its defeat, has not abandoned its malicious nature and continues to launch various military and political schemes.

The most recent occupation, which was led by the Taghut of era (America), was defeated in the country with great shame and misfortune after a 20-year struggle and the tireless sacrifices of the Afghan people. However, once again, following its previous pattern, when it became certain of its defeat, it launched various schemes to create division and fragmentation among the Mujahideen and the nation.

They succeeded in implementing their plan and launched a more perilous program than before, which will burn the Islamic Ummah for many years, creating such fragmentation that the complete healing of it is considered impossible. This time, their scheme is identified as ISIS.

We also have no doubt that America and other NATO countries do not desire peace and the establishment of an independent and powerful Islamic government in this country. Due to the emergence of such a government, indications of awakening within the Islamic Ummah will become apparent, leading them to recognize the enemy. Consequently, every Muslim will either migrate or advocate for an Islamic system in their homeland and strive to attain it. Undoubtedly, the emergence of such a situation will deliver a substantial blow to the interests and objectives of the enemy.

After the United States occupied Iraq and ultimately acknowledged its defeat, it planted the seeds of discord there, which a few years later emerged as the “Islamic State” also known as ISIS. Automatically, the goals that America had attacked with all its might were achieved by the evildoers of this group.

Eventually, the flames of this Fitnah reached Afghanistan, where efforts were made to perpetuate the occupation that America had failed to sustain. Indeed, ISIS has assumed the role once held by America, subjecting the oppressed and suffering people of this nation to years of turmoil.

ISIS has also dutifully responded to all the demands of its masters, filling its record with nothing but explosions in schools and mosques, universities, educational centers, and public places. They have martyred ordinary people, scientists, cadres, scholars, and those whom the enemies of Islam have put considerable effort and money into eliminating. The elimination of such individuals within society is precisely what America has been striving to achieve.

This group has been demonstrated with precise and compelling evidence to be an American project utilized as a tool to counter its adversaries. Below are some statements from the politicians of the era and their associates; however, it should be noted that this rationale is solely intended to offer evidence, rather than to assert them as absolute truths.

– Former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, stated in an interview with the New York Times on 24th January 2017, following the utilization of the “Mother of All Bombs” by the United States in the Achin district of Nangarhar province, that ISIS, akin to other security campaigns, is a contracted group of the United States.

-On the 20th of November 2017, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Washington of financially cooperating with ISIS. He claimed that there are existing video tapes and documents showing that the US cooperated with ISIS in evacuating their besieged members from Raqqa.

– Zahir Qadir, a representative of Nangarhar in the parliament of the Republic government, stated during the meeting in Kandahar province on the 2nd of November 2017, that in situations of conflict between ISIS and the Taliban in Nangarhar, American and Afghan military forces have been observed bombing the Taliban rather than ISIS.

– One of the internet networks (Infowars) in one of its investigative reports quoted an American military officer as stating that they equipped the ISIS group and transformed it into a significant threat.

There is no doubt that regional and global adversaries are not interested in peace within this land. Instead, they seek opportunities for military intervention periodically. The establishment of ISIS was also intended to serve this purpose – utilizing the presence of terrorists as a justification for their actions.

Regarding the establishment of this group for the perpetuation of occupation, the former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, remarked at the onset of ISIS activities that it is a foreign initiative designed to prolong the conflict in Afghanistan and the surrounding region.

ISIS has become a tool not only of the United States of America, but also of various countries within the region and globally. It is being utilized as a means of intervention in Afghanistan, providing a pretext for the adversaries of Afghanistan to justify their bloody occupation once more.

The reality is that the conflict of America and the Western world is directed towards Islam, as they harbor apprehensions regarding the resurgence of the Islamic nation. They consistently endeavor to tarnish the reputation of Islam and Muslims by deploying significant resources.

After considering the matter further, one must ponder why ISIS selected Afghanistan as the location to establish their caliphate. Furthermore, what motivates their continuous conflict with the Mujahideen since their inception, and their participation in the destruction of Islamic sanctities?

Aren’t those Islamic countries where Islam is suppressed, Islamic principles are not upheld, and even children cannot be given Islamic names, the most appropriate places for striving and Jihad?

Meanwhile, Muslims in these countries are experiencing challenging conditions and are subject to the oppression of tyrannical rulers.

Have you considered how the reasons you have presented to oppose the current government align with reality and the law?

If your standard of war is based on religious or political prejudice, it is important to understand that such differences only lead to unnecessary bloodshed and killings, and ultimately cause division among the Muslim Ummah.

And if you truly desire for the Islamic nation to achieve its explicit goals of honor and dignity, let us collaborate to bolster and improve the Islamic government so that we may fortify ourselves in confronting the adversary.

Abu Ahmad
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