ISIS, or the continuation of the ongoing hostilities between America and Russia?

Maher Bilal

The United States and Russia have been adversarial nations for an extended period of time. This ongoing dynamic has persisted and shows no signs of abating.

At times, one side holds significant power and influence, while at other times, the balance of power shifts. This enduring pattern of rivalry has spanned many years, characterized by mutual distrust and intense competition between the two countries.

A few days ago, the American government announced that it had shared information with Russia regarding a major attack planned to take place in Russia. It was also reported that this attack will be carried out by ISIS’s Khorasan branch.

The plan of the United States was executed as intended.

Here I express my thoughts to you: The United States had informed Russia about the existence of the Daesh Khorasan branch (ISKP). Subsequently, the United States aimed to substantiate the presence of a Khorasan branch to Russia. Consequently, with the assistance of Pakistan, it launched a severe attack on the suffering Afghans in Kandahar, employing the Daesh-e-Khawarijs.

When it was confirmed that the Daesh Khorasan Branch (ISKP) exists and is active, the United States promptly executed its secondary plan and conducted a similar attack in Moscow.

The attack was carried out in such a way that the assailant entered the concert hall armed with powerful weapons, and subsequently fled the scene following the attack. Therefore, this was no small feat, nor could small groups such as ISIS have executed it without assistance from others.

It is believed that a larger entity may have been involved (specifically, the longstanding animosity between Russia and America could be a factor). Subsequently, an attacker affiliated with Daesh was apprehended by Russian forces. The individual reportedly stated in vague terms that a certain pope/monk had provided funds for the attack and encouraged their actions.

There is nothing in this entire narrative of ours.
We simply state:
اللهم اشغل الظالمین باالظالمین

Translation: O Allah make the oppressors fight among themselves, and save us from their evil.

The peculiar aspect of the situation is that Tajik citizens were involved in both attacks. This may have been a crucial element of the strategy to deliver a multi-faceted blow to Russia.

I say to those who take pride in this attack, that your foundation has been established by America/Israel. As long as you remain in their favor, they will support you. However, once their needs are fulfilled, they will turn against you and eliminate you, just as they did with Baghdadi.

Abu Ahmad
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