ISIS: Guardians of a Caliphate or Destroyers of Islamic Foundations?


Written by: Mustafa Mujahid

Throughout history, there have always been groups and extremists who emerge in the name of religion but exploit it for malicious purposes, making false claims far removed from truth and righteousness. One such group, which has surfaced in the name of religion and consistently tarnished its image, is ISIS. Like the Khawarij of the past, they have etched their infamy into history. As the saying goes, “The donkey remains the same; only its saddle has changed.”

Outwardly, this group has been advocating for the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate and justice in Muslim lands for years. However, it begs the question: What has been the result of their endeavours? Where is their envisioned Islamic Caliphate? Where is the fulfilment of their ideals of social justice? Where is the safeguarding of religious and human security and freedom that they pledged to uphold? Can the ruthless killing of innocent children, youth, and scholars, alongside the desecration of mosques, temples, schools, and madrasas, be considered acts of jihad and contributions to the revival of the caliphate? Will instilling terror and dread, declaring various Islamic movements and parties as infidels and wrongdoers, and engaging in conflict with the mujahideen who have long fought against tyranny and external foes of Islam, actually lead to the restoration of the caliphate? The answer is a resounding no! Nothing more than an elaborate fantasy, an unattainable feat, and utter madness.

If we examine the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his loyal companions, and those who revived the caliphate and Islamic justice after them—standing firm like a fortress against their enemies, honouring Islam, and spreading the faith to the furthest corners of the world—it becomes evident that their way of life was vastly different from the path taken by the Khawarij of the past and the modern-day ISIS militants.

Those who claim today to be reviving the caliphate—do they truly know more than the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his honourable companions, the Tabi’un (followers of the companions), and those who have come after them until today? Not! This group makes statements and commits actions to further its sinister goals, things that neither the Prophet (peace be upon him) nor his companions ever did or intended to do.

This group harbours extreme and inappropriate ideologies that are utterly incompatible with the essence of Islam. Islam is a religion of balance and moderation, completely rejecting any form of extremism.

The sacred religion of Islam was not revealed to destroy the lives and property of others or to spread terror. Rather, Islam came to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of human life and wealth.

ISIS does not bring about security; instead, it spreads fear and horror. Wherever it steps, it leaves behind painful memories.

Indeed, ISIS is a deceptive, intelligence-backed plot in Muslim lands. It represents the same scheme that the enemies of Islam have failed to implement themselves, using the name of Islam to work against the religion.

The group’s real goal is clear and obvious: to destroy Islamic institutions, eliminate intellectual leaders, and present Islam as a terrorist religion to the world.

In conclusion, the people have come to recognize this group and its deviant ideologies. They are now fully aware of the harmful goals that ISIS seeks to achieve, and no longer will they be deceived by its lies.

Abu Ahmad
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