ISIS and the Resistance (NRF) within the Circles of Siege


Ali Ansar

It is undeniable that Allah Almighty grants certain oppressors a brief period and a limited chance to reveal their malevolent intentions, repulsive visages, and numerous brutal and barbaric deeds. Nevertheless, He does not ignore the cries of the oppressed and their great sacrifices. For every Pharaoh, there is a Moses; for every Nimrod, there is an Ibrahim; and for every sister Nahid, there is Muhammad bin Qasim.

ISIS and the resistance are synonyms for extremism and excess, and they are staunch adversaries of the doctrine, faith, and methodology of the Sunni sect, particularly the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Recently, they have suffered significant setbacks in the region, globally, and in Afghanistan.

In the past month, swift and decisive operations were carried out against ISIS strongholds in the provinces of Nangarhar, Takhar, and Kabul, resulting in the elimination of Abu Bashir, the military commander of the Achin district, the dismantling of crucial networks, and the capture and elimination of foreign propagandists and military personnel.

These networks, military personnel, and propagandists were trained in Pakistan to carry out bombings, attacks, and disruptions in various regions and sacred sites in Afghanistan, yet they were neutralized before accomplishing their malevolent objectives.

Simultaneously, several leaders of the resistance front, insurgents, and their supporters were slain and apprehended in Panjshir, Kunduz, and Kabul, with profound dissension surfacing among them. Numerous leaders withdrew from the mountains and surrendered, rendering the resistance now consisting of mere hollow slogans. The endeavors of the leaders to instigate the youth to combat have transpired as a failed strategy that is no longer deemed credible.

However, the defeat of ISIS and the resistance was not limited to Afghanistan alone. Turkey has transformed into a principal hub for ISIS since the inception of this year. Three days ago, the Ministry of Interior conducted swift operations against ISIS compounds and networks, detaining numerous individuals.

Moreover, Tajikistan recently shut down the office of the Resistance front (NRF) in Dushanbe due to internal tensions in Pakistan and the instability stemming from the recent US elections. Tajikistan is expressing a desire to disengage from the situation.

Furthermore, a video surfaced three days ago showing Ahmad Massoud appealing to a senior American official to facilitate the reinstatement of the office of the Resistance front in Tajikistan, whereas various supporting nations have renounced their backing for the resistance front.

Abu Ahmad
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