“ISIS: An Unmatched Savage Group”


Written by: Mufti Hamaas Inqiyaadi

Throughout history, every prophet (peace be upon them) sent by Allah was instructed to guide their people towards faith and worship. They taught their communities about the oneness of Allah and conveyed His divine religion.

The essence of religion and Sharia is to promote peace. Its purpose is to guide Muslims towards unity and the righteous path of Allah, while prohibiting them from associating with disbelievers and those who follow falsehood. Muslims are commanded to avoid alliances with those who are enemies of Allah and His religion.

It is crucial for Muslims to distinguish between truth and falsehood and to stand against those who consider the blood of Muslims lawful. Confronting such individuals is an obligation for every believer.

We can see that intelligence agencies from non-Muslim countries support a group known as ISIS, with the purpose of inhibiting individuals from promoting Islam. ISIS portrays Islam as insecure, using terror and brutality to drive people away from it, thereby falsely justifying their actions.

Recently, ISIS has solely focused on killing Muslims, aiming to turn Afghans against the current ruling system. However, the entire Muslim community has now come to realize that ISIS is a conspiracy driven by intelligence agencies, and it is an enemy of Islam and Muslims. ISIS does nothing but martyr Muslims, target places of worship, and destroy public welfare institutions.

ISIS operates on the belief that no other Muslims exist in the world besides them. If someone joins them, they are considered Muslim; if not, their blood is deemed permissible.

We see that ISIS has never waged jihad against non-Muslim countries or targeted any disbelievers. They travel hundreds of miles to wage jihad in Muslim lands but have no evidence of killing any non-Muslim.

ISIS is a savage, mercenary group, always staining its hands with the blood of innocent Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described them perfectly: “They kill the people of Islam and spare the idolaters.”

If Muslims do not rise individually to eradicate this group from the face of the earth, their terror and brutality will continue.

Abu Ahmad
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