Part: 2
Written by: Ihsan Arab
Creating Divisions Among Muslims:
Since the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate, the non-Muslim world has continuously endeavored to impede the reuniting of Muslims. They fear that if Islamic countries and forces unite, the Ummah will regain its honor, strength, and greatness, forming an indomitable power against the West and secularists.
The adversaries of Islam have persistently sought to instigate division and discord among Muslims and their governing bodies through various schemes, diverting their attention towards trivial matters.
These endeavors have varied over time and have manifested in different forms within Islamic societies—sometimes through ethnic and linguistic differences, sometimes under the banner of political movements or religious currents, and sometimes even under the guise of jihadist groups—with the intention of fracturing the Muslim community.
ISIS is yet another outcome of these efforts, created by the West and the adversaries of Islam to hinder the unity of Muslims. This is the notorious group that has effectively executed the agenda assigned to it by Western powers.
Indeed, since the notorious ISIS group proclaimed its imaginary caliphate, it has inflicted irreparable damage on the Islamic Ummah and sown the poisonous seeds of discord and division. Their sudden emergence not only caused deep divisions within Islamic countries but also in non-Islamic countries where Muslims reside.
The Ummah, which once aspired for unity, is now more fragmented than ever. These infamous Kharijites, by disseminating their fallacious ideology, have corrupted the minds of the youth of the Ummah—not only among Islamic communities but even within families. They have separated brother from brother, son from father, and father from son.
Those ensnared by their deceptive slogans have willingly become instruments of the group’s agenda. They have denounced each other as unbelievers, sown the seeds of hatred and animosity, and severed the bonds of brotherhood among Muslims.
While friendship with all Muslims and enmity with disbelievers has been regarded as a noble trait of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his true followers, Daesh and their misled followers, contrary to their assertions, harbor enmity toward Muslims while forming friendships and alliances with the enemies of Islam.
To be continued…