ISIS: A Tool of Intelligence Agencies


Written by: Rashid Shafiq

In recent years, one of the most significant challenges confronting the Islamic community has been the ideological deviation of the younger generation, executed under the guise of the Islamic Caliphate, or ISIS. In reality, the escalating crises and events within the Islamic world have provided intelligence agencies with the opportunity to execute their nefarious agendas, one after another, undermining the religious values of Muslims.

Through their trained agents, these agencies mislead the youth of the Muslim Ummah under the guise of the Islamic Caliphate (ISIS). These individuals, motivated by extremist ideologies, violate the rights of humanity and Islam, desecrating sacred religious sites and martyring brave members of the Muslim Ummah.

ISIS claims to represent Islam, but in truth, its actions contradict Islam’s principles of tolerance and justice. Islam assures the protection of human rights and dignity, as emphasized in the Holy Qur’an: “And We have certainly honored the children of Adam” (Qur’an 17:70).

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) established the Islamic system in Medina, it was founded on the principle of upholding human dignity. This dignity was extended to all individuals, regardless of their religious beliefs or creed.

Even in the battlefield, Islam has established laws to ensure the protection of human dignity. In stark contrast, ISIS kills innocent people, tortures prisoners, and incites its followers to fight against the Islamic system.

As the storm of calamities swept across the region—long targeted by colonial forces—Afghanistan, too, became a victim of these schemes. During the time when our beloved country was under the oppressive feet of American and NATO occupiers and faced an uncertain future, intelligence agencies activated the faction known as ISIS under the guise of the Islamic Caliphate in Afghanistan. Their objective was to manipulate impoverished Afghans to further their clandestine aims.

However, praise be to Allah Almighty, through His grace and the sacrifices of the brave Afghan people, their schemes were systematically foiled. Their malevolent intentions in Afghanistan remained unfulfilled.

Presently, the youth of the Islamic Ummah, by delving into the essence of Islamic teachings and comprehensively studying the Islamic system, have come to realize that ISIS embodies the modern-day Khawarij and simultaneously acts as pawns of intelligence agencies. Fundamentally opposed to the Islamic system, ISIS utilizes its extremist and takfiri ideology to tarnish Islam’s revered image on a global scale.

Today, as the ship of our martyrs’ aspirations in our Islamic country has reached the shore of victory—represented by comprehensive peace and the implementation of Shariah—it is essential for scholars, intellectuals, and cultural figures to work tirelessly to counter Western conspiracies. They must actively participate in raising public awareness among the youth and in serving religion and the nation.

Drawing lessons from history, it is necessary to prevent the youth of the Islamic Ummah from falling prey to colonial entities. It is their Islamic and religious duty to dismantle foreign conspiracies before they materialize. Furthermore, the global Islamic community must adopt a unified strategy against ISIS, not relying solely on military operations but also engaging in an intellectual struggle to counter ISIS’s ideology.


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