ISIS: A Tainted Veil Over the Splendor of Islam


Written by: Anas Malik

The group and organization known as Daesh was essentially a tarnished veil obscuring the beauty of Islam. Fortunately, the world, and especially devout Muslims, expeditiously recognized this and lifted this tarnished veil from the revered name of Islam.

Daesh, by associating the sacred name of Islam with its movement, aimed to establish a foothold and attract followers. However, thanks be to Allah, their deception was thwarted, and the malevolence and depravity of their objectives became evident to all.

Westerners sought to utilize Daesh as a means to erect a formidable barrier between individuals and Islam, in order to impede the rising acceptance of Islam among Western populations and dissuade them from being drawn towards the religion.

By formulating the Daesh strategy and directing it towards Islamic nations, their objective was to depict Islamic ideology as inherently violent and propagate this perception on a global scale. Daesh was perceived as the most effective tool for achieving this aim.

Indeed, through this strategy, Daesh initiated a media campaign against the increasing acceptance of Islam worldwide, particularly within Western societies.

In reality, the opponents of Islam aim to exploit the circumstances created by Daesh to cast a negative light on the religion and create a significant divide between individuals and Islam. Their goal is to convey, through both words and actions, that the version of Islam promoted by scholars and religious leaders would lead to a regime similar to that of Daesh, enforce Islamic law in a comparable manner, and install a caliph like their leader as the governing authority. The choice now lies with the people to determine their path forward.

Westerners, who played a significant role in this matter, were actually attempting to present Daesh as an example of Islamic governance to the world.

Their intention was to convey the message that those aspiring to establish an Islamic system and political governance based on Islam should be mindful that such systems may result in the oppression, barbarism, and terror associated with Daesh.

In actuality, Daesh, with its abhorrent actions and persistent corruption, bears no affiliation with Islam and has effectively severed even its nominal ties to the religion.

Abu Ahmad
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