ISIS: A Sharp Sword on Islam’s Neck


-Bahir Afghan

Before Islam came into prominence, mankind found itself rotting in a seemingly never-ending dark age, one from which there was no hope of finding a way out.
Wars were being waged on an ethnic and linguistic basis, and mere personal conflicts led men to kill each other. Youngsters lost their lives for no reason whatsoever, the weak were enslaved by the powerful and the arrogant, and they were put to use however their masters deemed fit.

Slavery was a common occurrence, and was universally accepted as being something moral. Being proud and arrogant over one’s lineage was considered to be immeasurably critical. Eventually, mankind lost all color and joy in life, and was left pondering its purpose in life and how it should be spent.

However, everything changed with the onset of Islam; each flower began to grow where it was meant to and started to give off its fragrance.

With the rising of the aforementioned sun, the blood of the youth immediately began to gush forth with the aim of making the religion triumphant and fighting in the cause of Allah against the oppressors, the tyrants, and the global superpowers. This fight and struggle of theirs wasn’t just like any other random good deed; rather, these protectors of Islam were soaring towards martyrdom in a manner resembling kites in the sky.

Islam abolished everything that proved to be harmful to humankind, and thus the Caliphate was established on earth for years to come.

Moving on, the enemies of the religion and the puppets of the Jews and Christians (who disguised themselves with an Islamic cloak) began to fight against the Muslims, the Islamic governments, and against those disbelievers whom the Shari’a explicitly forbids killing (and instead commands us to protect them!). These brutal acts of theirs, which were contrary to the spirit of the Shari’a, proved to be nothing but a thorn in the path of the Du’āt, and misled people away from the path of the Qur’an and the Shari’a.

In the modern times, a group known as “Daesh” has claimed the responsibility for having enmity towards Islam and Sharia commandments, and this group (from the time it came into inception), through it’s idiotic actions, has proven to be harmful to Islam and has led to the non-believing nations hating us.

Even though Islam prohibits the killing of unarmed non-combatants amongst the disbelievers, and neither has it ever been proven that the prophet ever did so, Daesh has not spared any Arab, Afghan, Kurd, Sunni, Shia, or anyone else it came across from Islamic or secular circles.

Daesh has not only failed to serve Islam or the Ummah at large but has also managed to portray Islam as an enraged and vengeful religion. This has led to people, specifically those who are unaware of Shar’i commandments, hating Islam and Muslims.

Hence, this group has undoubtedly proven to have provided the secular and anti-Islamic groups with unquantifiable services, and this fact becomes more evident when we look at how these anti-Islamic groups have exploited the facade caused by them. This has led to an increase in anti-Islamic activities and propaganda.

They use Daesh’s acts as an example, stating that Islam has no codified system of life that is not compatible with the modern world and that it has only come to spill blood. This leads to people being enslaved to the global superpowers and preferring secularism, communism, and even dictatorships over Islam, contrary to the past where Islam was considered a salvation from all the mess humanity found itself in. The aforementioned goals of our enemies are being fulfilled mostly through the help of this group.

Lastly, one more thing to keep in mind is the fact that Islam, from the day it began until judgment day, no matter what corner of the world it’s in, has never been enemy-less nor will it ever be, rather it will always be busy engaging its enemies. Hence, it’s only common sense to consider Daesh a group which has enmity towards the true spirit of Islam, and is actively working through the assistance of America, the West at large, Pakistan, Iran, and Tajikistan against the Muslims.

The above-mentioned countries use this group as a tool (which currently has safe havens in Balochistan, Pakistan) for their national interests against regional enemies, specifically against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which is a newly established Emirate and is actively working against the wishes of the enemies of Islam.

Today, ISIS is no more than a tool being used against regional countries (specifically Afghanistan). Thus, citizens from Pakistan and Tajikistan enter Afghanistan from time to time either through Pakistan or through Iran, and sometimes they are sent to other countries as well. However, these people (just like their like-minded predecessors) will also face grave failures, and their plans against the Afghan people will not succeed – InShaAllah.

Abu Ahmad
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