“ISIS: A Scheme to Foster Ethnic Divisions in Afghanistan”


Written by: Ahmadullah Muhajir

In the current era, filled with challenges and transformations, every country and power seeks to dominate a region from which they can intimidate their adversaries, eliminate perceived threats, and prepare for the expansion of their influence and power.

Afghanistan, with its unique political and strategic geography, has been under the occupation of powerful forces for many years. No power has refrained from engaging in this contest. However, thanks to Allah, each time with the aid of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the brave Afghan people, they have been defeated and eliminated every time.

Nevertheless, enemies consistently strive to destabilize the security of this land. Each of them endeavors to interfere, and in pursuit of their interests, they do not hesitate to kill and plunder. They persistently attempt to provoke internal conflicts by exploiting ethnic, regional, linguistic, religious, and sectarian divisions, utilizing deceit and manipulation to turn the people against each other.

After the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) defeated the U.S. and its allies and assumed control of the government, they announced the implementation of an Islamic system and divine laws. They also granted amnesty to all those who had fought on the enemy’s side and stood against the mujahideen, even those who had committed atrocities against the people and mujahideen. Now, they can reside in the country without any hindrance or serve in the administration.

However, the enemies of Islam never desist from their malevolent intentions and continually endeavor to disrupt the security of this country. They have now initiated a project under the guise of ISIS, which targets specific groups in our nation, particularly the Hazara community.

In this context, supporters of this initiative have appointed individuals in the media who, following each attack, orchestrate protests against the Islamic Emirate, accusing it of the assaults and stirring up religious and ethnic divides in various ways. This is intended to rekindle a civil war in Afghanistan, setting Shia against Sunni, Persian speakers against Pashtuns, and other ethnic groups against each other.

The recent attack in the Mylan area of Daikundi and Ghor provinces was orchestrated by those malevolent and former servants who lost all their power and influence after the rise of the Islamic Emirate. Their nefarious intentions were exposed to the world, and they fled with their superiors to Tajikistan, Pakistan, and the United States. They are now striving to undermine the current government and demonstrate to their masters that the Islamic Emirate is ineffective.

In conclusion, it can be affirmed that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has never partaken in such malevolence and has consistently stood against and eradicated those who are adversaries of our people, irrespective of their religion, ethnicity, or language. Throughout the past 20 years of jihad and beyond, it has demonstrated that it has safeguarded the security of its people with utmost dedication. Any adversary who engages in such actions will be held accountable and face the consequences of their actions.

Abu Ahmad
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