ISIS: A Growing Cancer in the Muslim Ummah


Author: Shakir Mahmood

ISIS is a phenomenon whose destruction and disgrace are known to all. This organization was specifically created to mislead people and tarnish the reputation of Islamic Jihad, trying to convince the world that Islamic Jihad cannot lead to success.

Nevertheless, within the Islamic tradition, there is always an alternative. Allah, in His infinite wisdom, has consistently provided religious scholars and dedicated individuals who emerge to eradicate such corrupt movements.

With the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, ISIS’s malevolent plans were thwarted. If they had truly been committed to establishing an Islamic system, they would have supported the Islamic Emirate. Instead, this group, akin to a malignant growth within the Muslim Ummah, only seeks to malign Jihadi organizations and Islamic governance to fulfill its nefarious objectives.

Hence, every Muslim, particularly the people of Afghanistan, must remain vigilant against the machinations of the enemy and take measures to safeguard the Islamic Emirate from their malicious schemes.

We must understand and thwart the enemy’s strategies to prevent them from undermining the pure ideology of the Islamic system. We must not permit them to corrupt the hallowed path that has been paved by the sacrifice of numerous martyrs. Safeguarding and upholding the Islamic system is a collective responsibility of all Afghans.

This malignancy must be eliminated. Scholars, Muslims, and especially the Afghan populace must raise awareness regarding ISIS’s true motives and impede its expansion.

Measures to Counteract the Propagation of ISIS:

1. Expose Their Malevolent Intentions and Atrocities:

The atrocities perpetrated by ISIS against Muslims must be brought to the forefront. Scholars, in particular, should take the lead in enlightening the public about their barbarity.

2. Unveil Their Covert Objectives:

It is crucial to shed light on ISIS’s concealed agenda and engage in discussions on these matters in academic and public platforms to educate the populace.

3. Unify the Community Against ISIS:

The populace must unite to acknowledge that ISIS is a pernicious threat that must be extinguished. This endeavor will only succeed when everyone joins forces with the common conviction that this movement poses a danger that must be eradicated.

Abu Ahmad
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