Is Afghanistan a threat to others, or are they a threat to Afghanistan?


Noman Harawi

Afghanistan does not manipulate any group for political gains against others. The government and the people of Afghanistan are combatting ISIS based on their beliefs, as ISIS is a Takfiri group.

ISIS instigates discord and chaos in the region, and it is incumbent upon every Muslim to oppose and combat them. Since Daesh-e-Khawarijs emerged in Afghanistan, they have incited sedition and corruption.

The Islamic Emirate’s battle against this Takfiri group was not hidden from anyone. Furthermore, after the conquest of Mecca, the policies chosen by the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – in Medina, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in its internal and external policies adopted the same blessed policy.

Recently, there have been constant discussions about security threats originating from this group by using Afghan territories and transferring new fighters to Afghanistan, but are these claims true? If they are not based on reality, then why are they circulated?

The answer is straightforward. These claims hold no validity. Over the past three years, numerous Daesh fighters from member countries of this organization have arrived in Afghanistan and perpetrated multiple attacks, with many being apprehended and neutralized during security operations.

So far, there have been no instances where a fighter has left Afghanistan to carry out an attack in any neighboring nations.

Who were the perpetrators behind the attacks in Kerman, Iran, and Moscow, Russia? Which country did they originate from? Where were the attacks orchestrated?

According to experts, such claims are propagated either due to certain entities within certain countries lacking accurate information, or as a means to justify their influence and presence in Afghanistan’s neighboring nations.

Furthermore, there are intelligence entities in the vicinity of Afghanistan with a longstanding aptitude for propagating false information—this has evolved into a lucrative practice for them.

It is imperative for regional and international nations to possess precise information regarding the situation in Afghanistan and to avoid being misled by the false information perpetuated by certain malicious groups concerning Afghanistan. Succumbing to such misinformation could lead to intentional deception, orchestrated by rival factions, thus subjecting them to substantial security risks and grave incidents.

Abu Ahmad
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