From Enslavement to Ruin: ISIS’s Self-Destructive Mission


Written by: Junaid Zahid

In the world in which we reside, we have witnessed various forms of slavery. However, a type of slavery where an individual actively seeks it is exceedingly rare and difficult to comprehend.

However, ISIS consists of individuals who have voluntarily enslaved themselves, willingly accepting their subjugation while actively seeking a master. This kind of slavery is extremely rare, even unimaginable, but these helpless and degraded slaves have reached the point where they consider slavery an honor, especially when their masters approve and accept them for servitude.

These despicable individuals are those who have betrayed their religion and country, aligning themselves with enemies. They are now scattered in various directions, desperately seeking a master to impose chains of slavery upon them.

Their motto is destruction, and it seems they cannot tolerate even a moment of happiness for their own people.

With the Islamic and national system now in power, and after years of war and destruction, this country is being governed by its own children. It seems that ISIS has lost all sense of peace, with their sole focus being to sow chaos and disrupt the well-being of the populace.

ISIS, with its inhumane and anti-religious ideology, can never tolerate the joy and peace of this nation. They would rather drench themselves in filth and blood to obliterate the emerging happiness and pave the way for ruin.

However, ISIS must comprehend that the people of this country will defend this system with their lives, wealth, and honor—a system that has been established through the sacrifice of thousands of precious lives. It will never be dismantled by the rhetoric and deeds of ISIS, regardless of the volume of their clamor.

In truth, the blood of all the people of this land courses through the veins of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. As long as a solitary individual from this country remains alive, ISIS and those who endeavor to seize this land will never be permitted to taint this sacred and jihadist soil.

This terrain, where every footstep houses the tomb of a martyr and every meter bears the sacrifice of a mujahid, will never harbor such despicable factions and their equivalents.

This nation has attained peace and honor through the sacrifices and dedication of the mujahideen. Any individual or faction seeking to destabilize this nation will confront the repercussions of their malicious deeds at the hands of the populace of this land.

This system will never be shaken by the few actions and ideas rooted in ISIS’s corrupt mindset.

The tree of this system will always remain strong, and any enemy or ill-wisher seeking to destabilize this country will be destroyed, by the grace of Allah, with the support of the people, and through the bravery of the soldiers of Islam. Their ultimate fate will be nothing but defeat and disgrace.

ISIS, which presents itself as an autonomous entity, is indeed self-imposed captives, drifting and restless in pursuit of a master.

Abu Ahmad
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