Does Afghanistan owe Pakistan a favor?


Muhammad Nauman

Despite all the crimes committed by Pakistan with Afghanistan, it still maintains the belief that Afghanistan is indebted to it for numerous favors, especially following the former Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They consider the care of Afghan refugees to be their greatest favor, but the reality is quite different.

In reality, Pakistan should express gratitude towards Afghanistan and its people and acknowledge this kindness. If the Afghans had not resisted against the Soviets, Pakistan would have faced the risk of disappearing from the world map and history, as Pakistan lacked the capability to confront the Soviets.

Furthermore, Pakistan has consistently taken advantage of privileges regarding Afghan refugees from the world. They have failed to allocate even 10% of the donations and aid received in the name of Afghan refugees towards benefiting those refugees, instead utilizing the funds for themselves.

Moreover, during the Afghan Jihad against the Soviets, any assistance provided to the Mujahideen passed through Pakistan. Pakistan provided its outdated and obsolete weapons to the Afghan Mujahideen, diverting the weapons supposedly meant for the Mujahideen to its own soldiers or storage.

In summary, throughout its seventy-year history, Pakistan has not carried out any benevolent actions or favors for the betterment of Afghans. Pakistan must acknowledge that it has been engaged in schemes against Afghanistan from the onset to the present day. Continuously conspiring to dismantle Afghanistan, Pakistan has never aimed for the benefit of Afghanistan nor does it intend to do so.

Afghanistan does not seek assistance from the world or Pakistan. Afghanistan asserts that Pakistan fosters insecurity in the region, posing a significant threat to the security and stability of not only Afghanistan, but also the entire region and the world

Afghanistan asserts that Pakistan must cease its malevolent actions voluntarily, or the world should apply pressure on Pakistan to reform its behavior.

Note: The above article reflects the author’s personal opinion.

Abu Ahmad
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