Daesh: The Final Bullet in the Magazine of the Disgraced Enemy


Ahmed Omar Asfandwai

The West and America, in conjunction with two decades of occupation, oppression, and brutality in Afghanistan, have consistently endeavored to employ novel resources and methodologies against the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Their aim was to leverage these resources to apply pressure on the Islamic Emirate with the intention of realizing their nefarious objectives in Afghanistan, mirroring their achievements in Iraq and Syria.

Initially, the Americans believed that they could easily subjugate Afghanistan and transform it into their colony. However, the steadfastness and sacrifices of the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate thwarted the plans of the West and the Crusader imperialists. Despite employing a myriad of resources, weapons, military equipment, alongside various economic, diplomatic, intelligence, and political strategies over the two-decade period, they failed to secure peace even in Kabul.

Observing the failure of their stratagems to instigate discord within the unified ranks of the Islamic Emirate and unable to drive a wedge through intelligence tactics, the occupiers implemented the cunning scheme of creating Arbaki and national militias. But, this ploy also proved unproductive and bore no fruit.

Nevertheless, the most hazardous and final tactic among the enemy’s intelligence strategies was the establishment of the Daesh Khorasan group in Afghanistan, camouflaged as an Islamist organization. The Western imperialists anticipated that the oppressive combatants of this group would prevail against the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, thereby weakening this united, anti-imperialist front.

It is unequivocal that this group is antithetical to Islam, as evidenced by Daesh’s debilitation of the Iraqi Islamic resistance at the behest of America. Similarly, in Syria, as Jabhat al-Nusra, an Islamic group, neared victory, Daesh impeded its progress, impeding their path to triumph.

Furthermore, the Hamas movement, defending Jerusalem against the Zionist regime’s aggression, was not only branded as non-believers by Daesh, but was also engaged in warfare against them, causing immense hardships and committing numerous transgressions.

Along with all this, in Afghanistan, the Daeshi Kharijites, with the direct cooperation of the American intelligence system and the intelligence agencies of some regional countries including Pakistan and Tajikistan, carried out bombings and suicide attacks in sacred places and mosques, and then did not hesitate to martyr ordinary people, including women and children.

According to former member of parliament Zahir Qadir, subsequent to America’s introduction and establishment of Daesh in Afghanistan, the group gained strength and engaged in extreme acts of brutality against Afghans. He admitted that in 2018, during the Islamic Emirate’s resistance against Daesh’s brutal faction, American aircraft bombarded Taliban positions and facilitated the relocation of key Daesh members to secure locations.

However, through the grace and guidance of Allah, the valiant, steadfast, sacrificial, and vigilant response of the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate dismantled all the hubs and networks of this diabolical adversary within the country, thwarting all imperialistic designs under the guise of Daesh. Consequently, the Daeshi Kharijites lost their impact like the final cartridge in the enemy’s magazine, leading to the eradication of all their footholds in the nation.

Former parliamentarian within Ashraf Ghani’s administration, Zahir Qadir, further acknowledged that following the restoration of the Islamic Emirate, the Daeshi Kharijites, a legacy of America and Ashraf Ghani, met their demise in Afghanistan.

After the destruction of Daesh’s takfiri network inside the country, the Kharijites have removed their bases from Afghanistan and the intelligence agencies of neighboring countries have given them refuge. As per recent verified reports, this group has shared imagery of their concealed hideouts near the city of Quetta in Balochistan.

This indeed confirms the reports of Al-Mersaad, which were broadcast regarding the transfer of Daesh’s centers to Balochistan and the establishment of their training centers in the region, and it also proves that this Kharijite group no longer exists in Afghanistan and its threats have been completely eliminated here.

Indeed, Daesh has departed from Afghanistan, and it is now Pakistan that harbors this Takfiri group and openly supports it, fostering instability in neighboring countries and the surrounding region.


Abu Ahmad
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