Daesh: The Auxiliary Arm of Intelligence Agencies


Written by: Tariq Stanikzai

The Daeshi Militants entrenched in the Middle East are absolutely ignorant of even the most basic Islamic tenets. During the war, they consider all types of prohibited actions to be permissible.

In the year 2014, they committed atrocities throughout Iraq, mercilessly slaughtering men and children while abducting the women, later exploiting them for their sexual desires.

In Afghanistan, their contempt for Islamic principles and cultural norms was equally evident, where instead of fighting the defenders of the democratic government and the infidel invaders, they frequently engaged in conflict with regional Mujahideen. It was often observed that whenever Daesh-e-Khawarij were besieged by the Mujahideen, Western air forces would swiftly intervene, extricating them from the throes of battle.

Daesh’s war strategy was designed to weaken the Mujahideen and pave the way for U.S. forces to gradually consolidate their control over numerous territories.

This group also fought the Mujahideen with American weapons to divert attention from the Americans. Concurrently, the Kabul administration sought to establish military outposts in these volatile regions.

In the past, there were numerous strongholds where invading forces could scarcely tread due to the formidable resistance of the Mujahideen. However, with the emergence of Daesh and the support of the UN’s Security Council, the invading infidel forces gained access to many areas.

Thus, Daesh’s real objective was, to act as collaborators for these foreign forces. This is why, when the infidels suffered a crushing defeat, Daesh and other disruptive groups were also eliminated. If there is any group operating under the name Daesh today, they are serving as puppets for regional and international agencies, performing at their behest like marionettes on a string.

Abu Ahmad
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