“Cursed Resistance in the Guise of ISIS”


Written by: Usman Khalid

Afghanistan possesses a unified society comprised of adherents from various religions.

A comprehensive government and system have now been established in Afghanistan. However, there are disruptors in the region and around the world who cannot tolerate this progress. They employ every available means to dismantle and discredit this revered system, as evidenced by a recent incident in Daikundi province.

Despite the fact that Daesh’s resistance has been completely eradicated in this region and can no longer resurface, the global and internal opponents of the Islamic system in Afghanistan continue to fuel the resurgence of this malevolent group for further acts of destruction.

Islam, Muslims, and the Islamic system have no issue with any religion or methodology, but they desire individuals to either embrace Islam or coexist peacefully to avoid causing harm to Islam and Muslims. The rules for Musta’min, Dhimmi, and combatants are clearly outlined.

Our focus here does not center around the religious beliefs of the Shia community, but as they presently reside under the umbrella of an Islamic system, it is imperative to emphasize that their possessions, lives, and dignity are safeguarded from any unlawful encroachment by fellow Muslims.

Nevertheless, the nefarious faction known as the Resistance, which opposes the Islamic system, its boundaries, and principles of retribution (Qisas), endeavors to undermine them. Misrepresenting the Islamic Emirate and particularly the Sunni sect as intolerant and self-serving entities, they propagate the notion that no approach other than that espoused by the Sunnis is acceptable in this domain.

The truth remains that Sunnis, Shias, Hindus, and adherents of various other religions coexist under the framework of the Islamic system in Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate is dedicated to upholding the rights of all its citizens, be they non-Muslims under Islamic protection, temporary residents, or Muslims, in accordance with the precepts of Islam that guarantee their property, lives, and honor.

Our adversaries, both foreign and domestic, will not succeed in sowing discord based on the notions of minority and majority within Afghanistan or exploiting such divisions against this system. In sha Allah.

Abu Ahmad
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