A Brief Glimpse into the Life and Achievements of Martyr Mullah Abdul Hakim ‘Hijrat’ (May Allah Accept Him)

Illustrious Personalities of the Ummah

Martyr Saeed Mullah Abdul Hakim ‘Hijrat’ (may Allah accept him), son of Abdul Hamid, was a valiant soldier of Islam, a man of unwavering conscience, and a steadfast warrior. He was born in 1365 Hijri Solar (1986) in the village of Tarako, Muqur district, Badghis province, into a devout and jihad-committed family.

He commenced his religious education under the guidance of the local imam of his village. To further his pursuit of knowledge, he later enrolled in various madrasas.

As he reached adulthood, Afghanistan was under the occupation of infidels and their mercenary puppets. The heart of every patriotic young Afghan burned with the flames of resistance. Motivated by his faith, Martyr Hijrat (may Allah accept him) stepped onto the battlefield, fully prepared to sacrifice his life for his cause. He abandoned his studies and enlisted in the ranks of the Mujahideen, standing shoulder to shoulder with his fellow warriors on the frontlines.

During this period, he tested his faith against the infidels and their collaborators in various regions of Badghis province. Subsequently, he moved to Helmand province, where he participated in numerous arduous and intricate operations against the adversaries of religion and the homeland.

Martyr Hijrat (may Allah accept him) was renowned for his piety, humility, and compassion. He treated his comrades with kindness, safeguarded public funds with integrity, and deeply sympathized with the struggles of his people. He possessed exceptional expertise in handling landmines and Dragunov sniper rifles.

When the American-backed ISIS insurgency emerged in Afghanistan and prominent scholars issued a fatwa declaring a sacred jihad against it, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) organized decisive operations in Jowzjan province to eradicate this Fitnah. A unit from Badghis province, including Martyr Hijrat—who was deeply committed to confronting false and deviant ideologies—joined these operations, demonstrating his faith and resolve against ISIS insurgents.

Intense battles persisted for several days. Numerous ISIS fighters were either killed or injured, and vast territories were liberated from their grasp.

Martyr Hijrat (may Allah accept him) longed for martyrdom, frequently praying to Allah for an accepted martyrdom. His prayers were answered. On September 11, 2017, while engaged in direct combat with ISIS insurgents in Darzab district, Jowzjan province, he attained martyrdom, fulfilling his ultimate aspiration. May his soul rest in peace, and may his memory remain alive.

Mullah Abdul Salam Hijrat, the Brother of Martyr Saeed Mullah Abdul Hakim Hijrat (May Allah Accept Him), Recounts:

“On a certain occasion, I asked Martyr Hijrat (may Allah accept him), ‘Brother, do you have any other aspirations in life? You returned unharmed from Helmand province, and I prayed for your safe return home.’

Martyr Hijrat replied, ‘I am fully content with whatever Allah decrees, and I pray that He is never displeased with me. My greatest wish is to attain martyrdom in my fight against ISIS insurgents in Shibirghan and Darzab. I have no other desire in this life.'”

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